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Hi I'm Mel!


I'm a qualified and experienced Principal Strategic Planner, with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry and located on Phillip Island (Millowl).


I am a strong community and social services professional. with a Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Hons) focused on City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning from RMIT University.


I am also in my second year as a committee member for Phillip Island Boardriders Club, and this year am leading the Supergrom program as the Supergrom Coordinator. The Supergroms is the junior and introductory division of Australia’s longest running surfing clubs, PIBC. We aim to be inclusive and welcoming for all, to ensure ongoing success of surfing and facilitate positive experiences in the ocean for families. 


I enjoy contributing my expertise and skills to my community, and spending time with my husband and two young daughters out and about on the beautiful Bass Coast.


You can also find me on LinkedIn!

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